16 November 2005


Contrary to popular belief, true geisha are not prostitutes... They are entertainers - artists, actors, singers, dancers, and musicians... They are also trained in etiquette and social discourse... They devote their entire lives to being the ideal hostess and the paragon of femininity - something to be admired in this age where the social graces are "out of fashion"... The geisha were also the first "liberated women" of Japan - they are not compelled to marry (and may choose their own lovers without dishonour), and are businesswomen of the finest sort... While not the preferred lifestyle for women in traditional society, it is considered an honourable profession... Sadly, this ancient art is dying out in Japan, where traditional values are often abandoned in favour of being modern...

Tag requests in the comments section...


Ari said...

I have a question. Did Geisha women bind their feet, or was that a popular trend for all women? I saw a woman once that had had her feet bound since she was little. It broke my heart.

My mother has Geisha figurines. I've always thought they were beautiful. So pretty and delicate.

Angelia Rian said...

The custom of bound feet is Chinese, not Japanese, and started imperial, noble, and scholarly families in China... It soon spread to the lower classes because women with tiny feet were prized over women with larger (normal-sized) feet... To be called "Bigfeet" was a great insult and a scathing commentary on oneself and one's family... The smallest of bound feet were referred to as "golden lilies" and such women brought high doweries on the marriage market... It was a cruel and exploitative custom that catered to a unrealistic male interpretation of beauty... Such women were also unable to walk except with mincing steps, which heightened the notion that they were "delicate and beautiful"...

Angelia Rian said...

Another note on the Chinese custom of bound feet: The Communist Revolution in China encouraged (in fact, demanded) that all women with bound feet unbind them, and made it unlawful to bind the feet of girl children... It is perhaps one of the only good things communism brought to China...

Ari said...

I'm so glad you told me that. I feel embarrassed that I confused Japanese customs with Chinese ones. I'm sorry!

Well I learned something new today, so that's good.

I love your blog.

Angelia Rian said...

Ari - Never be embarassed by asking about what you don't know... That's how we learn... :)

And thank you for the compliment... :)

Ann Marie said...

Morning Angelia! Please allow this slight commercialism. As fellow exodus journalists/bloggers, we are letting people know of our new blog called, Directory Assistance. We are hosting to the community a list of names and locations of bloggers who had once been AOL journalists, or are still AOL journalists, but who have opened in exchange, or addition an Internet Blog.

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TJ said...

This is so intersting.So fragil looking yet they endure so much making them very powerful I would think if given any opportunity.
I struggle with a bra and shoes.

Angelia Rian said...

TJ - They are *very* strong women... They devote their entire lives to their art and the perfection thereof... They give up family and a home of their own for the devotion to an ideal... I admire their dedication greatly... I, too, seek perfection in my art (music) - but I don't have the personal strength to sacrifice so much...

Datingmaster, Jerusalem - Can I just say: Huh???