Welcome to Dark Moon Designs graphical tag journal...! If you see something here that you like and want tagged (personalised with your name) simply reply in the comments section and I'll be more than happy to fill any requests... I reserve the right as to choice of font, colours, etc. - except where otherwise stated...
"Snag Only" means you may save them to your hard drive and use them how you please (without altering it or obscuring my watermark), but any tag labelled "Snag Only" is not availible to be personalised...
Be sure to leave an email addy so I can get your requested tags back to you... I will not waste my time trying to track you down...Things To Note:
1. Snag Only's will not be tagged, no matter how many times you ask
2. Please do
*not* e-mail requests - I will not honour requests that are not in the comments section (E-mail of Questions & Praise are always welcome, though!)
3. Size of font may change depending on the length of the name requested - the larger the name, the smaller the font will probably be
That's it for the rules - now enjoy...! :)