16 November 2005


Contrary to popular belief, true geisha are not prostitutes... They are entertainers - artists, actors, singers, dancers, and musicians... They are also trained in etiquette and social discourse... They devote their entire lives to being the ideal hostess and the paragon of femininity - something to be admired in this age where the social graces are "out of fashion"... The geisha were also the first "liberated women" of Japan - they are not compelled to marry (and may choose their own lovers without dishonour), and are businesswomen of the finest sort... While not the preferred lifestyle for women in traditional society, it is considered an honourable profession... Sadly, this ancient art is dying out in Japan, where traditional values are often abandoned in favour of being modern...

Tag requests in the comments section...

Ki-Lin (Chinese Unicorn)

The Ki-Lin (Chinese Unicorn) is one of the four Ssu Ling or spiritual animals of Chinese Myth (the other three are the Phoenix, the Tortoise, and the Dragon)... Though not so popular as the Dragon, the Ki-Lin is regarded as the King of Beasts... The Ki-Lin eats no living thing, either animal or vegetable... It will not even tread upon an insect or a living blade of grass... The Ki-Lin is supposed to spring from the centre of the earth, and perhaps was originally a representative of the earth element as the phoenix represents fire, the dragon air, and the tortoise water... The Ki-Lin is associated only with positive traits and symbolizes wisdom, justice, strength, and courage... It appears only during the time of an upright ruler, or before the birth or death of a sage.. Unlike the Western unicorn, the Ki-Lin has never had commercial value... It exists for it's own sake and not for the medication, enrichment, entertainment, or even edification of mankind...

This one is snaggable *and* taggable... Tag requests in the comments section...

Rilke Rose

Rainer Maria Rilke is my favourite poet... If you haven't read his works, I *highly* recommend them... His poetry is like whispers from the depths of a heart - full of beauty and joy, sadness and tragedy, and above all, love... If you don't read German, I recommend the Stephen Mitchell translations - he has a wonderful feel for Rilke's work...

Tag requests in the comments section please...


I created this tag for an entry in my regular journal where I touched on the topic of race relations... For me, it speaks of exactly how I think people of all colours should get along - in harmony and love... This one is snag only, because I feel that the issue it describes is far too personal to be labelled for one individual - it is a concept that should be universal... If you snag it and feel you *must* have your name on it, feel free to tag it yourself... It's just not something I'm going to do...

Up On The Roof

I have a thing for roof tops, I really do... They are the perfect place to get away from the world and gain perspective, both figuratively and literally... So this tag is me, up on my roof, kicking back, looking up at the sky and dreaming my dreams... What's your "rooftop"...?

Snaggable and taggable, the best of both worlds... Tag requests in the comments section...

Motorcycle Mamma

Yes, I admit it - I'm a motorcycle chick, and damned proud of the fact... :) Here's tag for all the other motorcycle mammas out there (and those that just dream)...
Want this tagged...?

This one is animated - Preview here

Tag requests in... aw, you know...

Demon Lover

A semi-dark theme with this one... Dedicated to Ryan, who is every one of these things...
Want this one tagged...?

Tags requests in the comment section, of course...

Star Light, Star Bright

One for all the little girls (who might be big girls now) who ever wished upon a star... This one has an animated star... Snaggable and taggable...

Preview here

Tag requests in the comments section please...

Crazy Catlady

Do you love cats...? I do... I once owned 18 cats at one point, but that got to be a bit much... ;) Now I'm down to two, but I love my little furbabies more than ever... So this tag is dedicated to Satan & Cloud, the prettiest of kitties...

Tag requests in the comments section please...

It's All About The Love

Two versions of this tag, because I couldn't decide which I liked better... The first one is taggable (or snaggable, your choice) - single names or couples...

Tag requests for the first tag in the comments section please... The second one is snag only...

15 November 2005

Intro and A Few Rules *READ THIS FIRST*

Welcome to Dark Moon Designs graphical tag journal...! If you see something here that you like and want tagged (personalised with your name) simply reply in the comments section and I'll be more than happy to fill any requests... I reserve the right as to choice of font, colours, etc. - except where otherwise stated...

"Snag Only" means you may save them to your hard drive and use them how you please (without altering it or obscuring my watermark), but any tag labelled "Snag Only" is not availible to be personalised...

Be sure to leave an email addy so I can get your requested tags back to you... I will not waste my time trying to track you down...

Things To Note:
Snag Only's will not be tagged, no matter how many times you ask
2. Please do *not* e-mail requests - I will not honour requests that are not in the comments section (E-mail of Questions & Praise are always welcome, though!)
3. Size of font may change depending on the length of the name requested - the larger the name, the smaller the font will probably be

That's it for the rules - now enjoy...! :)